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Happy Thanksgiving Nurses! - Free ebook

We put together a collection of a few of our Thanksgiving nursing cartoons for your enjoyment! This is a free download! You can download, print, and share with friends, family, co-workers, and even patients.
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11/21: What I've Learned, Thankful Thanksgiving Edition

With Ixchel's gracious guidance, Here is this weeks What I Learned This Week. Since Thanksgiving is this week, I want to focus on being thankful for being nurses.
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The Exposure

You don’t usually know when something is going to change. Everything can be going along just fine, and then something is added to the equation that you never expected.
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Take your career to the next level!

Nurses are in greater demand than ever before but many specialties require an advanced education. allnurses.com has compiled information from some of the top online learning institutions so that you can prepare for that next step in your career path.
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Why I Am Grateful To Be Working On Thanksgiving Day

Do you despise working on Thanksgiving, or any holiday? For the majority of nurses this might be the case, but what if all nurses actually enjoyed working the holidays?
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[Toon] Thanksgiving with your Work Family

You're around the people you work with more than your family. In fact, some of you may spend more time with these people working on the holidays and miss out on "traditional" celebrations with your family.
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