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Why I am not Surprised by Joy Behar’s Ignorant Comments

Joy Behar of The View may have well informed opinions on many topics, but her views on nursing are downright ignorant. It isn’t surprising that she doesn’t know what she’s talking about where nurses are concerned because most of the public doesn’t know, either.
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The Nurse on the Other Side

Every nurse will one day find themselves on the other side of nursing. When the time comes, how do you want to be treated?
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Enter your writing to win $150!

Your creativity could put money in your pocket! Submit an original nursing-related article of 600 words or more andonce voting closes, you could be one of four winners of $150! Write one or write ten (or more). The more unique the better.
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#NursesUnited: Can we continue the momentum for necessary change?

Nursing has been plagued over the years by division within its ranks. However, recent events have resulted in nurses uniting together despite those divisions.
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Nurse Retention ideas

My unit and hospital as a whole is really struggling with nurse retention. We have two hospitals that serve a large rural area.
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