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Off duty RN scope of practice on an airplane

I recently went on vacation & was on an airplane. A person on the plane had a seizure & then went into full arrest. There was another RN on the plane with me.
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9 Newbie Mistakes to Avoid

Here are 9 common rookie mistakes we all have made. See which ones you have made, or better yet, which ones you can avoid. Add your own to the list to share with us all.
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Disgusting Icky Stickies: Nurse Protect Yourself

OH MY POOP SPORES! MRSA boogers and saliva! Wound weepies and icky sticky pus-filled yucky muck! Nose plugging, nausea inducing, dead black sloughing tissue. Maggots in crevices. Creepy crawlies in the hair and under the skin. Tunneling wounds with infinite possibilities. Why, oh why do nurses not comply with PPE?!
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