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Today is December 15, 2021. Editor's Picks... 😡 Reprimanded!; Discouraged; Workplace Conflicts; Working w/Migraine; Bad Self-Care; School Fail 👎🏽; Burn Patients; and Disorganized Nursing Program

Article Contest: Holiday Edition (4 Winners)

I don't want to hear your personal problems!

😡 I refused to help another staff member with her personal problems and was reprimanded? 

None of this was in the job description when I applied. I of course did not sign the letter and will fight it!
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How can we encourage our patients when we are discouraged?

How to Be a Good Nurse During the Holidays

Working the holidays? Here are some works of reflection and encouragement.
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Do you experience workplace conflicts?

Passive Hostility Between Workplace Departments

I've noticed some passive hostility between different departments.  Specifically, I feel as if it is especially prevalent amongst the nursing and...
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What do you do when working with a migraine?

Managing a Migraine

Migraines can be brutal. Having a plan to combat them can be a lifesaver, for you and your patients. Here are tips for working with a migraine.
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Nurses are great care givers but awful at self-care practices

Don't Give Away All of Your Apples

The article discusses the unfavorable health of today’s nurses and the common personality traits which make nurses exceptional care givers, but which may contribute to their own unhealthy self-care practices.
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Nursing School Di Not Prepare Me For All Of The Challenges I Faced

👎🏽 New Nurse Experience During Pandemic

This article highlights some of my experiences during the pandemic. It is not entirely new but echoes the experiences of many nurses here.
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How do nurses deal with working with burn patients?

The Physical and Emotional Demands of Being a Burn Nurse

A quick look into the demands of being a Burn Nurse.
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My nursing program is disorganized. How is your program?

Are most nursing programs a hot mess or is it just mine?

I'm in an accelerated BSN and I'm very disappointed with how disorganized the program is. This is a respected university rumored to be one of the best in the state, but geez are they lost.
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📚 First-Year Nurse: Advice on Working with Doctors, Prioritizing Care, and Time Management

by Nurse Beth MSN (author)

An indispensable guide for first-time nurses on working with doctors, the joys of the night shift, and facing mistakes!

First-Year Nurse by Beth Hawkes MSN

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