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Today is September 17, 2021. Editor's Picks... 😩 Mishandling Narcotics; Job Abandonment; Terminate Unvaccinated RNs; Pay Cut; Deathbed Visions?; and A.I. Detect Cancer

Help! Accused of Mishandling Narcotics

Accused of Mishandling Narcotics and Terminated: How to move forward?

I was terminated because "two days in a row" I had "mishandled narcs". I sat there stunned, confused, and bewildered by this. I refused to sign and reiterated that this was not the full story...
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Have you ever been accused of job abandonment?

Quit Job and Now Accused of Abandonment

I quit my job without notice. I sent an email about my resignation including my reasons and a higher up person (not a nurse) stated that my company would be filing a complaint with the board of nursing for patient abandonment.
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Why haven't they terminated the unvaccinated nurses?

How many unvaccinated coworkers are you aware of?

How have you expressed your displeasure about their choice? Are you questioning why they have not been terminated yet?
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Did you know that artificial intelligence can detect cancer?

Artificial Intelligence in the GI Lab | Knowledge Is Power

Artificial Intelligence has made its way into almost every aspect of our lives. We see it in self-driving cars, search engines, and even gaming. We are now seeing it in the GI lab with a computer program that detects polyps.
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Would you take a pay cut for less stressful job?

Anyone taken a pay cut for sanity?

I’m thinking of working at a clinic for the elderly that looks like a perfect fit; slower pace and lower acuity. The pay is MUCH lower (practically half). Has anyone taken a big pay cut and not regretted it?
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Any deathbed visions that have changed you?

Personal Deathbed Vision Stories?

I recently witnessed a profound deathbed vision while on-site during a training. I’m just starting on the nursing track and I am FREAKED by this incident. This also spiraled into a major existential crisis, as I was pretty confidently agnostic before. Now I don’t know what to believe. 
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