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Today is July 12, 2023. Editor's Picks... 🧐 No Job Offers; Phlebotomy; LPN to RN; Pediatric NP; VA Hospitals; ANCC Recertification; RN to MSN; Help With Interviews; Job Offers

Job Search: No Offers

New grad - Job Search - No Offers

How can I stand out as a new grad? I'm applying with no offers so far.

What Is an LPN Bridge Program?

10 Best LPN to RN Programs in 2023

Discover the best LPN to RN bridge programs and take your nursing career to the next level.

Should I take Phlebotomy?

Is Phlebotomy necessary to pursue nursing?

Should I utilize phlebotomy to gain the confidence or do you think it's worthless?

Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

11 Best Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (PNP) Programs in 2023

Discover the best pediatric nurse practitioner (PNP) programs available in 2023. Learn more about the job description, salary expectations, and steps to become one.

How do I find the best or worst VA hospitals to work in?

How do I find the best or worst VA hospitals to work in?

I want to transfer to another VA but don't want to end up with the same problems.

How long to get ANCC recertification approved?

How long to get ANCC recertification approved?

Have you renewed your ANCC APRN certification recently? How long did it take to be approved? Does it vary by specialty?

Pros & Cons RN to MSN

How to Go from RN to MSN

Explore the journey from RN to MSN: understand the program structure, coursework, admission requirements, pros & cons, career outlook, and salary expectations.

What am I doing wrong in interviews?

What am I doing wrong in interviews?

I am obviously doing something wrong during interviews but I don't know what it is, so I don't know how to fix it.

Torn Between 2 Job Offers

Torn Between 2 Job Offers

I received an offer at a level II NICU, but while waiting to hear back I unexpectedly got another offer...

Nursing Jobs

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