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Today is May 6, 2022. Editor's Picks... ❤️ Heart Attack; 1920 NCLEX; Mother's Day; Nurses Week History; 💰 Caption Contest; Melanoma SMART!; Need Nurses; and Dose Calculations

👩‍⚕️ 2022 National Nurses Month Contests

Nurses Month: Caption Contest #3

💰 Nurses Month: Caption Contest

For Nurses Month, we will provide 3 toons (on separate days) in need of a caption. All you have to do is submit your caption below.
Submit Your Caption

Do you know the history of Nurses Week?

Why We Celebrate Nursing - History Behind Nurses Week

When a doctor yells at you for something that is no fault of yours, this week is for you. As you walk to your car on feet that are so tired they can't take any more steps, we celebrate you.
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Be Melanoma SMART!!

Healthy Skin is In! Keep Melanoma Out! | Knowledge Is Power

While melanoma is more likely to develop in men than women, the rates of melanoma in people under age 50 tend to be higher in women.
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I don't have time for a heart attack.

❤️ Women Struggling to Recognize Heart Disease | Knowledge Is Power

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women in the United States, with some statics showing it kills as many as 1 in 5 women. Despite these scary numbers, only about ½ of women recognize heart disease as the number one killer.
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Would you pass the 1920 NCLEX?

Would you pass the 1920 NCLEX?

I am going through my nursing history collection and found this 1920 textbook "State Board Questions and Answers for Nurses".  There are chapters on...
Check it out

We Need Nurses

Imagine a World Without Nurses

It takes only a brief reflection to imagine a world without nurses when you consider the profession’s contribution to society. What contributions have nurses made and continue to make in healthcare today?
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Arrggg! I Need Help With Dose Calculations?

Zosyn Dose Calculations

I can't wrap my brain around how they got the dose of Zosyn for a baby. The order is to give 100mg/kg of piperacillin to baby who weighs 0.8kg. I'm trying to figure out the med math.
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Mother's Day I'll Never Forget

A Mother's Day I'll Never Forget

I'll never forget that day on the job. This is one of them-if I close my eyes, I still see the scene.
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