« Previous Nursing Student Journal #117
"I'm taking the Kaplan class. I've watched a few of the videos, and the class is similar. It's really nice getting to ask questions." - RunBabyRun
Nursing Student Journal
May 2 - May 8 Hottest Topics

Failure is An Option; A New Grad Story

Have you ever made a mistake so horrible you thought you just might not want to continue on the same path anymore? Well I have. This is a story about a big mistake I made, and about my very bumpy path towards getting the nursing job that I have today. "To err is human" means that we all make mistakes, but we must realize our fault, learn from our error, and most importantly forgive ourselves so that we can move on.
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The SECRET to passing the NCLEX

Change your mindset. You cannot go into one of the most important exams, feeling frazzled, overly anxious, upset, and not knowing if you studied enough. Thinking and believing you have failed. I mean really how can you possibly pass the NCLEX exam with this mentality? You cannot!
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[Toon] Being a nurse is not always a rosy job.

A nurse's job sometimes just stinks......really. You just need to remember that your goal is to help people...in all situations. You will not always come out smelling like a rose.
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Do you think eating in the classroom is rude?

I have become severely agitated when I go to my classroom which has a sign on the door reading "NO FOOD OR DRINK" and people insist on bringing their snacks. Eating them in front of everyone while people are trying to do their work. The classroom should not be treated like their living room!
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I finished my first semester of Nursing School. Got an A in skills, a "well deserved" B in clinicals, and then there is theory. I worked my butt off studying for this class and ended with a 79.4%. I thought surely my teacher would give me the fraction of a point to make a B...but she didn't!
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From One Nursing Student to the Next

Nursing school is no easy task, but there are a few ways to make it a little easier. For one, do what you love to reduce your stress. Two, studying is pointless if you do not learn how to apply it as well. Three, instructors are not as intimidating as you would think. Just keep your head up, push through, and you will be done before you know it!
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Are study groups necessary to help me succeed in nursing program?

Is it really necessary to have a study group? I ask this because I have never been in a study group while I’m taking my prerequisites and I’m just doing fine with my grades. Are all nursing students using study groups?
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And...Done: allnurses gave me a SMACK DOWN

There was a time when I considered dropping out. All the lovelies at allnurses told me to have my pity party, and get back to class. And I did. THANK YOU!
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What topics do you struggle the most with as students?

Most of my students struggle with learning meds and integrating their application to patient care. I am curious if this is unique to our program or students in general. Please don't limit your responses to just meds... Really looking for what students seem to be worrying about or having difficulty grasping.
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What are you doing summer break?

I am going to cook real meals that do not come from a box. I'm going to read fun books, and I hope to finish Game of Thrones. I am going to teach my son how to play Monopoly. Finally, I'm going to swim. I've missed swimming. What are your plans?
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