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Nursing Insights
Jan 14-20 Hottest Topics

Get the Job Before Your Interview Starts!

For most people, the worst part of thinking about changing positions, or getting a new job, is the interview process. Maybe you are someone who gets nervous and sweats, shakes, or just can’t focus on the questions being asked, which makes the interviewing process torturous for you, something you dread, and guess what?
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African American Hair Problems in Nursing

I'm not sure how many people can help me with this problem but here it is. I can't keep up with my relaxed hair and want to get box braids for low maintenance . There are other people at my job that have box braids; however, I got an interview with my dream job.
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Anatomy of a Code

You’re standing at your computer, charting on your patients. The end of the shift is nearing, and you really want to get this done so that you can get home. As you are typing, you hear a loud snoring noise coming from your patient’s room. Suddenly alert, you abandon your computer and walk quickly toward the source of the sound.
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Healthcare Facilities running out of medications + supplies

We ran out of Fentanyl drips in the entire hospital a couple of days ago. With 24 patients in my unit alone on Fentanyl drips, mostly for vent sedation, I heard more vent alarms going off at once than I ever have because all of the patients were waking up simultaneously and feeling very uncomfortable. It was ridiculous. I now have to pose this question to the crowd...
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End of Life: The Final Word

I reach down to touch Anne’s* hand, my own fingers still chilled by the outside morning air. Her eyelids flutter, letting me know she was aware of my presence. I speak gently, trying to not disturb the threads of silence that hang heavily in the room.
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How Nurses Can Create An Autism Friendly Emergency Room

With increased rates of children being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), it is ever so important that nurses are increasing their awareness and education about the disorder.1 According to the Centers for Disease Control, 1 in 68 children are diagnosed with ASD.1 Also, ASD is more prevalent in boys at a rate of 1 in 42, versus girls at a rate of 1 in 189.1 Given these statistics, lets dive into what ASD is defined as.
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[Toon] No failure to communicate

It's like a song you get stuck in your head. You hear your patients calling, “NURSE, NURSE!!”, even after you go home. No matter how hard you try, you cannot get it out of your head. And, now, I cannot for the life of me get the words from that classic film, Cool Hand Luke, out of my head: “What we've got here, is failure to communicate.”
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