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Nursing Insights
Dec 31-Jan 6 Hottest Topics

Don’t Hide Your Pregnancy With a Corset; An Era Gone By

Old medical books give us insight into the world of nurses, doctors and patients of the early 1900s. They educate, intrigue, and scare us with old practices. Enjoy this article about prenatal care in an era gone by.
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Priorities Can Kill: When Passing the Buck Gets Dangerous

Nursing is 24/7, right? So what if you don’t get to a task before the shift is over? Is it really necessary to push a doctor towards action (and thus annoy them to the bone)? It’s not like anyone suffered from lack of action… Or maybe you’re wrong.
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My bedside quirks...wakey wakey

I was working last week, and for once my group was relatively easy. A nurse who was floated to our unit was having a rough day. She was behind on medications, had a patient needing stat medications, and a patient who was scheduled for a stat CT of his head.
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Morning and Night

As much as we complain about our jobs, most of us nurses recognize the many benefits of their professional decisions. In addition to the opportunities opened to me, nursing has introduced me to the love of my life. It has also been influential in my increased depth as a writer.
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Differentials make a difference

I was checking out my online pay stubb. Last year I made over $7,000 from differentials, nights and weekends. It says I made over $4,000 in overtime too. I don't remember picking up a lot of extra hours last year, in fact, as I recall, my New Years resolution last year was to work less.
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Finally able to tell my son "yes"

So my very proud 4 year old who knows his alphabet has been watching me the last several months with various books. He looked at my book cover and said, "I know what you are reading! CEN"
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Becoming a Working Nurse Mom

This is a post about motherhood, or maybe about being a working mom, or maybe about changing my nursing career to fit the needs of my family and me. Maybe it's a post about everything, about how lots of things in life get intertwined in strange and complicated ways and you're left with a beautiful tangled mess. Whatever this post is or isn't, it's my attempt at explaining how I came to a very important decision but also about all the decisions that are yet to be determined.
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[Toon] Help for the Navigationally Challenged

Some of us can get lost in a heartbeat. New Nurses in a big hospital have a lot of challenges and finding ones way from one area to another and back again could be problematic. Leaving bread crumbs, marking walls with an 'X', signaling with mirrors, dropping dye markers ...
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